
Is there anybody there?

Oh to be oh to be
These words just seem to follow me
Why must we sight our sights of woe
As through each day or week we go
Just try a grin a pleasant word
Why must you be a bloody nerd
Throw off your mood so full of gloom
As you explode into a room
Try a happy cheerful smile
No not a grimace - that cramps your style

Well just don't stand there saying nothing
Oh! bloody hell don't you start coughing
Why do I talk to myself so?
Is it 'co I wish to know
The person trapped inside my head
The one that I call 'Fiery Fred."


Dan said...

That's right! Smile dammit! :) I'm smiling right now.

:) <-- see!

G-Man said...

I have a person or two in my head also..
Whew, It's not just me.